Harve Kele Phodi - Version 2

Harve Kele means raw banana and phodi is just excellent.

Do check my phodi series for various phodis.

I have posted a Harve Kele Phodi before but this is a different version of it.

Kele Phodi/Raw banana rawa fry/Raw banana fritters (apskitchen.blogspot.com)

Let's get making phodi

This is what we need for the paste:

Rice- 1 Cups (soaked in water for 5 hrs.) (you can adjust according to quantity of veggies)

Byadgi Red chillies – 20 (don’t worry you can add more if you like spicy) *

Hing /Asafetida – a peanut sized or 1/4th tsp


Raw Banana/Harve Kele- 200 gms

Phodi Peet- recipe above

Salt- To taste


Peel the raw bananas and cut them into 2 now cut thick slices of these banana’s. Add it in water as they will oxidize.

Now drain the water off and take the in a bowl.

To this add phodi peet and salt, Mix well.

Add only few tsps. of water

Keep the marinated kele/raw banana for an hour so that the spice seeps in the banana’s.

Now deep fry the marinated banana pieces in hot coconut oil till it turns crisp.

Enjoy phodi with hot rice and dal or as a snack.

Aps Notes:

After an hour please check salt after adding phodi peet. If there is need then add salt or else you might end up with a salty phodi.

Mostly, I shallow fry these phodi to avoid deep frying. The only thing required during shallow frying is Patience 😉.

Happy Cooking,


