As navrathri is just a day ahead I wanted to make something sweet so
I ended up making these sabudana laddoos again. First I made these for Rakhi
and told my amma about these laddoos she made it and my dad loved it. Dad
loving it means the dish is perfect J.
Amma has made it more than me ;).
Here is what we need for Sabudana Laddoos:
Sago / Sabudana / Javvarisi / tapioca pearls - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Green cardamom - 3 nos.
Cashew nuts - 1 tablespoon
Raisins - 1 tablespoon
Ghee - 1 tablespoon
Hot Ghee - as required to make laddoo ( i used around 3-4 tbsp) *
Sago / Sabudana / Javvarisi / tapioca pearls - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Green cardamom - 3 nos.
Cashew nuts - 1 tablespoon
Raisins - 1 tablespoon
Ghee - 1 tablespoon
Hot Ghee - as required to make laddoo ( i used around 3-4 tbsp) *
1) In a heavy bottom pan, dry roast the sabudana(javvarisi) until it changes to light brown colour. Transfer to a plate and cool down.
2) Make a powder of sugar and cardamom using a mixie. Transfer to a mixing bowl.
3) Now, make a smooth powder of roasted sabudana.
4) If you are not able to make smooth powder at single attempt, sift the sabudana powder. You get the sabudana granules. Make a powder of this again and repeat this step till you reach smooth consistency. Add the powdered sabudana to the mixing bowl in which we took powdered sugar.
5) In another pan, heat ghee and roast the cashews and raisins till the cashews turn golden brown *.
6) Add it to the mixing bowl along with ghee and raisins *. Mix well.
7) Slowly make uniform shaped laddoos. Try making laddoos when the mixture is warm. Otherwise, it is difficult to make laddoo.
8) Store it in a clean, air tight container. Enjoy.
4) If you are not able to make smooth powder at single attempt, sift the sabudana powder. You get the sabudana granules. Make a powder of this again and repeat this step till you reach smooth consistency. Add the powdered sabudana to the mixing bowl in which we took powdered sugar.
5) In another pan, heat ghee and roast the cashews and raisins till the cashews turn golden brown *.
6) Add it to the mixing bowl along with ghee and raisins *. Mix well.
7) Slowly make uniform shaped laddoos. Try making laddoos when the mixture is warm. Otherwise, it is difficult to make laddoo.
8) Store it in a clean, air tight container. Enjoy.
After roasting the cashews you can roast the sabudana powder again allow it to cool and then add powdered sugar. Amma made it like this, she says it gives a extra flavor.
You can fry the raisins in ghee if you wish to. I don’t like the plumpy raisins so I have avoided this step.
Just adjust the ghee while rolling the laddoos.You may require a little more than mentioned.
You can eat these laddoos on Vrat days too J.
Happy Cooking,