I always keep saying that my hubby is a Bumper Jackpot for me............or i can say a Alladdin’s Ginnie I open my mouth for something its always ready...........As i told last time My sweety cooks for me atleast once a week sometiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimes twice thrice.......... His first question will always be Kasa Khatta??(what wil u eat??) nd my answer Kasane jatta laik jallari jalle...(anything tasty)....this weekend was the same version.......but he adds telling wht u’ll eat?? i’ll eat fish fry......nd he decides to cook some corn for me. This time i cooked the fish for him i even *touched* the fish n all.atlast comes the turn of my corn...........

without much a do i start with the most simple corn recipe. Here’s it.
Fresh corn kernels – 1 big bowl
Italian seasoning -1 tbsp(rosemary,basil,oregano)
Garlic powder – 1 tbsp (if u don’t find it then add finely chopped garlics almost 10)
Olive oil – 1tsp
Lemon juice – 1tsp
Salt to taste
Heat a pan add olive oil..corn kernels..........garlic powder..Italian seasoning..............salt and stir for 5 minutes then at last add lemon juice and switch off the flame.
Add ur love into it and serve hot.
U can enjoy the crunchy corns.
FIsh curry looks interesting too, very different fromt he usual one, a must try recipe.
parita i do prepapre chats nd simple food like this is my love always.thank u
Thank u Pavithra do come to SA for a plate
Mine does not even know atleast where the spoons are placed in the kitchen..he he..:)
Nice n yummy corn..
nd prathi... he does cook nd is a good cook when he is in a cooking mood he he he dont worry ur hubby enjoys wht u cook na he he he
Sweet corn is my favourite,i can say anytime delight.
Drop in sometime